Dutch Mill UHT Drinking Yoghurt - Blueberry Flavour - 180ml
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Product Description
- Includes 180ml
- High-quality UHT yoghurt has been sterilized at 108-110 degree Celsius; has a 10-month long shelf life that doesn’t require cold storage
- Premium drinking UHT yoghurt is made from cow’s milk, fermented with beneficial microbes and full of nutritious vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, plus the delicious flavor of real blueberry juice
- Contains lactobacillus bulgarians and streptococcus thermopilus to optimize your digestion, allowing you to absorb the full benefits of nutrients in the milk
- Gives you a boost of brain power with Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and iodine
- Fortified with calcium, vitamin D, and zinc to keep your health in top form; bolsters your immune system for fending off infections and illnesses